Cambodia to Laos by Bus

Discover the best way to travel from Cambodia to Laos by bus with our comprehensive guide. Get insider tips, route suggestions, and more.

What is the best way to travel from Cambodia to Laos?

Bus is the most accessible way of traveling from Cambodia to Laos. There are several bus routes from Phnom Penh and Siem Reap to different destinations in Laos, including Laos Border, Pakse and Don Det etc. You could make booking travel tickets through the Website and App of Camboticket. Asia Van Transfer and SRL Transport operate these routes with minivan or minibus. The buses are comfortable and air-conditioned, and the trip takes roughly 24 hours, depending on the route.


What are the visa requirements for traveling from Cambodia to Laos?

Travel from Cambodia to Laos will cross border at “Tropaeng Kreil Checkpoint (Cambodia) and Nong Nok Khiene Landport (Laos) which is located south of the Don Det area in Laos around 30 km. The need for a visa varies by nationality while traveling from Cambodia to Laos. Most visitors to Laos typically need a visa, which can be obtained at the airport or at land border crossings. Therefore, it is advised that you have in hand information about  the most recent visa requirements before your trip to Laos. (Read More).

What are the departure and arrival points for the bus from Cambodia to Laos?

CamboTicket offers bus services to cities in Laos like Vientiane, Luang Prabang, and Pakse that depart from various locations in Cambodia, including Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, and Sihanoukville. Before purchasing your tickets, it is advisable to double-check the information because the departure and arrival places for each route could differ.

Is there a bus from Cambodia to Laos?

Buses do run between Cambodia and Laos. The most popular route connects Vientiane or Pakse in Laos with Siem Reap or Phnom Penh in Cambodia.Make sure you have the proper visas and documentation for crossing the border by checking the bus companies’ schedules and routes as it involves many transfers and border crossings.

Translated from Spanish to English. This write-up was written by Maria – a traveler from Spain who is backpacking South East Asia with her friends and submitted this article as part of CamboTicket’s traveler memoir section. We wish Maria and her mates the best of luck for this trip and wish them more exciting adventures in times to come. Buena suerte